Two Styles of the Same Coin

DSC_0105 (1)Who are they?
Dunitz and Company is a Fair-Trade jewelry company that was founded on the idea of empowerment through artistry. Dunitz employs 100+ Guatemalan men and women artisans who work to create beautifully-crafted pieces in Guatemala that are later sold in the US. This work gives them an opportunity to have a stable and sustainable income, while giving them creative outlets. 


DSC_0112Why they’re special?
Fair-Trade: Not only does Dunitz and Company say they’re Fair-Trade, they have the certifications to prove it! They are backed by several admirable Fair-Trade organizations including, Fair-Trade Federation, Green America, and Fair Trade Los Angeles! Phew! That’s some serious cred! Being apart of these organizations insures that Dunitz and Company pays their workers fairly, provides safe working conditions, and creates long-term sustainability for their workers. So it’s safe to say Dunitz has succeeded in building a company that values its artisans!

Unique: Have you ever seen a piece of jewelry with world coins on it?! Neither had I, until I came across Dunitz! When I was younger I was fascinated by coins and travel. I even had a US quarter collection (stop judging!). Creatively conjoining two of my interests into a piece of jewelry is such a unique sentiment.

Affordable: Buying ethically isn’t always the cheapest option (and that’s kind of the point). But Dunitz and Company won’t break the bank! With so many pieces under $20 you can definitely find something within your budget. When buying from a company that is Fair Trade certified, you know your money is going to the betterment of the artisans. If you’re looking to generate change within the fashion world, start by spending with more intention.

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What Am I Wearing?
The Long Coin Necklace is a combination of world coins intricately held together by glass beads. (Am I the only one who thinks that’s so awesome?) My necklace has coins from India, Venezuela, Belize, Australia, and Dominican Republic; these coins are carefully woven together with multicolored glass beads. True talent!

The second piece that I’m wearing is the Glass Teardrop Earrings. These earrings are not only beautiful but super functional! I’m always wary about wearing bigger earrings because at the end of the day I always find myself with aching ears 😦 But the beauty of these is that they aren’t heavy! All day wear and no achy ears!


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For wholesale inquiries please look here!

Find more amazing photography at Rowan’s Facebook and Instagram page!

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