Earth Day

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature he finds it attaches to the rest of the world” ~John Muir 🌸🌎Happy Earth Day🌏🌸 Crop top: Old Crow Backpack: Terra Thread Shoes: Veja For more amazing photography check out Rowan Eo’s photography on her Facebook and/or Instagram 🙂

International Women’s Day 2018

Today let’s appreciate all the women who make this world go round and inspire me (and hopefully you) everyday 💕  Let’s also continue to notice and call out retail companies who use International Women’s Day as a PR opportunity meanwhile not giving their female garment factory workers safe working conditions or fair wages. I’m looking…

Old Crow Living

Nothing like looking at summer pictures to remind you that you’re experiencing one of the coldest winters on record 🙄 but thanks to this Old Crow crop I can look forward to wearing it on warmer days 💕 via. Instagram

Old Crow: Hand painted and embroidered vintage

Old Crow is one of THE RADDEST brands we have come across in our journey. Bridget, the mind, body, and soul of Old Crow, is an artist whose canvases of choice are wearable! With her wit and style, she transforms old clothes and boring tees into fresh and funky hand painted gems. From shirts to shoes…