Moral Women’s Mission

Before moving further with our blog, we want to make a purpose statement, for any of our readers out there but also for us. Sometimes it’s easy to lose track of goals when they’re not solidified- especially when they’re as big and as numerous as Moral Women’s.
There are three main aims of Moral Women:


The fashion industry exploits women at every level. We aim to expose the inhumane conditions of sweatshop workers, educate about the environmental impact of textile waste, and draw attention to the emotional damage that results from non-inclusive and demeaning media and advertising.


Through social media we will promote mindful companies whose ideals align with our own– those of sustainability, fair pay and working conditions, and giving back to our world. We will also feature women who instigate change and entrepreneurs who connect underprivileged artisans to the market.


Eventually, Moral Women wants to make a concrete change by creating a brand that will raise money for communities in need. Til we have the means to do that, we will focus on ways we can do our part to help our world. This includes our blog and social media sites, which will achieve the aforementioned tasks.
In the end, we want Moral Women to be a community based in self-love and positive change that will spread throughout the world.
We know this is a lofty dream, but it’s one we intend to pursue wholeheartedly.

Moral Women

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